Bro. Josè Ignacio Santaolalla Sàez is the new consultor general for finance of the Camillians.

Santaolalla e SuperioreThe Extraordinary General Chapter of the Order has elected this afternoon the new consultor general for finance of the Camillians. He is Bro. Josè Ignacio Santaolalla Sàez, the economo of the Spanish province  e superior of the community in Tres Cantos, Madrid.

Bro. Santaolalla was born on Dicember 19, 1966 in Carrias, Burgo. He made his first profession  in 1985 and perpetual profession in 1992.

He has a licentiate in Pastoral Health Theology at Camillianum in Rome and a degree in Business Economics at the autonomous university of  Madrid.

Also, Bro. Josè Ignacio Santaolalla Sàez was elected at the first balloting with an overwhelming majority.


Sharing the video of the festive moment after the election of the new Superior General.