Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

After the proclamation of the year of St. Joseph by Pope Francis interest in the importance of this saint increased in the Church but also, and in particular, in the Order of Camillians, as has already been emphasised by  Fr.

Easter message 2021

Fr. Laurent Zoungrana, MI Christ is truly risen, Alleluia! Dear confreres, brothers and sisters of the Camillian Charismatic Family, dear sick and suffering and all those who care for them, and dear friends of the Camillians, The Lenten preparation is

“Pronti a collaborare come sempre”. Così padre Virginio Bebber, presidente dell’Aris (Associazione religiosa istituti sociosanitari), commenta al Sir l’ipotesi di coinvolgere le strutture sanitarie gestite da enti e congregazioni religiose nella grande campagna vaccinale anti-Covid. Oggi, grazie anche all’accordo di collaborazione