Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

On 16 November the Order of the Ministers of the sick (Camillians) will celebrate the Feast of ‘Our Lady of Health’. This is an important feast for all sick people and for those who provide them with care. It emphasises

We reached the Superior General Fr. Renato Salvatore through his lawyer: Father Salvatore is well and serene. He is preparing for the hearing – which will take place in the next few days – with the help of his lawyers.

It was with great surprise and deep pain that we heard the news that our Superior General had been arrested by the Guardia di Finanza to answer questions relating to facts attributed to him. We are living this moment in

The volume ‘Lineamenti di Teologia Pastorale della Salute’ (‘Lineaments of the Theology of Pastoral Care in Health’), edited by M. Pietrini, G. M. Salvati, E. Sapori and E. Sgreccia,  has just been published by Edizioni Camilliane. Born from a request