On Saturday 17 May the new Superior General of the Daughters of St. Camillus, Mother Zélia Andrighetti, together with a large group of sisters of the General Chapter, visited the generalate house of the Camillians in Rome. To welcome the
Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione
In Mottinello (Vicenza) this morning the general assembly began of the Lay Camillian Family, an ecclesial association that works with the Order of the Ministers of the Infirm in caring for the sick and the promotion of health. Present in
The celebrations of 25 May – the anniversary of the birth of St. Camillus – will have a suitable resonance in the national and local media. Attention will be paid to this event by, amongst others, the programme ‘Sulla via
With joy we publish the message of Don Carmine Arice, the Director of the National Office for Pastoral Care in Health of the Italian Bishop’s Conference, which has been sent to us on the occasion of the four hundredth anniversary
On Thursday 8 May Brother Leonardo Grasso, the Superior of the Camillian community of Acireale and head of the St. Camillus Tent for AIDS Patients in Mangano (Giarre), was a guest on the programme ‘Life Live’ which was broadcast in
A jubilee pilgrimage to the generalate house of the Order for a group of volunteers and residents of the St. Camilus Work of Predappio, a residential institution for psychiatric patients run by the Camillians. This initiative forms a part of
The General Consulta of the Camillians has convoked the Extraordinary General Chapter which will take place on 15-21 June in Rome. The Major Superiors and the Delegates of the Order, together with the elected religious of the individual Provinces and
The Best Wishes of the General Consulta to the New Superior General of the Daughters of St. Camillus
This morning Mother Zélia Andrighetti, the Superior General of Brazil, was elected the new Superior General of the Daughters of St. Camillus. MESSAGE OF GOOD WISHES OF THE GENERAL CONSULTA OF THE CAMILLIANS The Vicar General of the Camillians, Father
From Saturday 3 May until 8 June the heart of St. Camillus will be on a pilgrimage in the diocese of Chieti. This is an initiative strongly wished for both by the diocese of Chieti-Vasto (led by Archbishop Monsignor Bruno
After little more than two weeks, the moment has come to make an assessment of the first Camillian day of the heart which on Wednesday involved ten cities in Italy and a total of fourteen institutions which provided free cardiology
The churches of Rome celebrated the canonisation of two Popes, John Paul II and John XXIII, and the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Campo Marzio (location of the generalate house of the Camillians) could but do the same For
The Extraordinary General Chapter of the Ministers of the Sick (Camillians) will be held on 16-21 June. The subject that has been chosen – ‘Towards a Revitalisation of the Order in the Jubilee Year’ – will allow certain questions
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