Rome: Teatro Argentina was full last Saturday for the award of the ‘Good Samaritan’ Prize and a performance of the musical ‘Camillus Soldier of God’. More than five hundred people were present at the evening organised by the Vicariate of
Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione
Aleteia – La prima uscita pubblica del nuovo Superiore dei Camilliani: padre Leocir Pessini – 23/06/14 Clicca qui SIR – Camilliani: concluso Capitolo Generale. “Potenziare il fuoco del nostro carisma” – 23/06/14 Clicca qui La Voce Sociale – Camilliani, ecco il messaggio finale del Capitolo
Dearest confreres, members of the grand family of St. Camillus and friends, greetings from the Capitulars who convened at Ariccia. The extraordinariness of this General Chapter celebrated on June 16-21 2014 was born from a painful event that involved
The Extraordinary General Chapter of the Order of the Ministers of the Infirm (Camillians) has elected the 60th Superior General this afternoon. He is Father Leocir Pessini, provincial superior of the Brazilian Province. His election took place during the first
Father Laurent Zoungrana, the superior of Studentato Camilliano in Rome, is the new vicar general of the Order. He was elected this morning during the Extraordinary General Chapter of the Order in Ariccia during the first votation with overwhelming majority.
The extraordinary chapter of the Camillians has elected this afternoon Father Gianfranco Lunardon, fourth general consultor of the Order. Father Lunardon, a 43 years old, from Padova belongs the Italian Province and presently the chaplain of the Orthopedic Hospital of
During the morning session of today, the extraordinary General chapter of the Camillians has elected the third consultor of the Order, Father Aris Miranda. Father Miranda was born on September 3, 1967 and belongs to the Philippine province. He made
The Extraordinary General Chapter of the Order has elected this afternoon the new consultor general for finance of the Camillians. He is Bro. Josè Ignacio Santaolalla Sàez, the economo of the Spanish province e superior of the community in Tres
In the capitular session this morning of June 18, aside from the reportings of the singe group, the capitular assembly has voted the terna indicative for teh election of the new Superior General These are the names: Father Leocir Pessini, Father Frank
After the election of the Chapter Definitory yesterday the 17th of June, it continued with the formation of five study groups divided according to languages. Their work was focused on the “Summary of the Provincial councils, Vice-provincials and Delegations regarding
In the afternoon of June 16, the first day of the Extraordinary General Chapter of the Camillians opened with a greeting from the Vicar General Father Paul Guarise and a welcome to Father Sandro Perrone, a representative of the Congregation
The Extraordinary General Chapter of the Camillians was opened this morning at the Casa del Divin Maestro in Ariccia. It began with a prayer at 7:30 in the morning, this very significant event of the entire Order which will elect
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