Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

On Thursday 10 July, shortly before the liturgical solemnity of St. Camillus de Lellis, the Patriarch of Venice, Monsignor Francesco Moraglia, presided over the solemn celebration of the Eucharist at the church of the Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a

The feast day of St. Camillus is organised, following  a long tradition, with great solemnity in Acireale (Catania) because he is one of the patron saints of the town. The celebrations of this year, the fourth centenary of the death

A fine ending in Bucchianico for the celebrations of the fourth centenary of the death of St. Camillus. Here, where on 14 July 2013 the jubilee celebrations were begun, in recent days the last appointments were held, those wanted jointly

On the occasion of the Feast Day of St. Mary Magdalene, this evening at 19.00 Fr. Gianfranco Lunardon will preside over the Holy Mass at the Church of St. Mary Magdalene in Rome. Afterwards there will be a brief reflection

Warm greetings full of affection: this is what the Holy Father addressed this morning, Sunday 13 July, to the great family of St. Camillus who had gathered together in St. Peter’s Square to take part in the Sunday Angelus. At