Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

In recent days – which have been marked by the departure of Fr. John Toai for Liberia, of Fr. Aris Miranda for Sierra Leone and the joint round table of Catholic humanitarian associations held at the generalate house – we

Associazione Volontari DOKITA onlus Caritas Italiana Camilliani Fatebenefratelli – Ordine Ospedaliero S.Giovanni di Dio CUAMM – Medici con l’Africa Focsiv – Volontari nel mondo Fondazione AVSI – ONG ONLUS Giuseppini del Murialdo Missionari Saveriani Salesiani di don Bosco VIS- Volontariato

Thirteen years have passed since the dramatic death of the Camillian Fr. Celestino Di Giovambattista who was murdered on 13 October 2001 while visiting the prisons of the capital of Burkina Faso by a ‘deranged’ man, they said – and