Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

Dear all We the CTF VOLUNTEERS are fine in Katmandu.  The the Medical Camps did not take place last days . We were engaged in Packing the materials for Distribution and distributing in different places. Photograph Gallery

THE INVINCIBLE DEATH OF CHARITY 25 May – The Feast Day of Camillian ‘Martyrs’ The most effective example during periods of the plague was given specifically by the Major Superiors: by the Superior General, by the General Consultor Br. Prandi,

From the book by M. Vanti, San Camillo de Lellis (1550-1614), Libreria Editrice Francesco Ferrari, Rome, 1929, pp. 681-689. The Martyrs to Charity But it was a most just thing that the ‘Ministers of the Sick’ also won on the

In May 1624 Palermo was invaded by the bubonic plague.* Probably this was the first encounter that the Order had had with it. The previous epidemics (in particular that of 1590-1 in Rome) were examples of epidemic typhus or pestilential

CTF extends a great appreciation and thanks to Sr Linet from Dharward and Ms. Shobha from Bangalore.  They were in Katmandu with their good will to do something for the victims of disaster. They were ready to join CTF MISSION

Warsaw, 19 May 2015 The House of Hospitality and Welcome of the Barnabites Meeting of the Superior General and the General Consultors with the Provincial Superiors, the Vice-Provincials and the Delegates Summary of the Fourth Day Wednesday 20 / Thursday

On Wednesday 20 May the General Consulta and the Major Superiors went to Krakow and after paying tribute to the spiritual heritage of Pope John Paul II walked amongst the barracks of Auschwitz which are impregnated with the suffering caused