Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

The world of health poses numerous challenges to the Church community. When seen as appeals launched by God and addressed appropriately, these challenges offer an opportunity to communicate, with creative faithfulness, the message of the redemptive love of Christ not

By Angelo Scola Cooking is specific to the human family and eating food together is one of the high moments of shared living. Every tradition and every culture receives a value and a taste from it that ‘nourishes’ the person

Country: Nepal Location: The districts of Kathmandu, Gorkha and Dolakha. Beneficiaries: The most vulnerable families who have lost their homes because of the earthquake and children who are orphans. The Nature of the Project To assure to that part of the population that

Andrea Cardone, Quando l’amore prega, pp. 128-129 Spread out on a pile of cushions, which helped his difficult breathing – writes Fr. Degli Angeli, who was close to Nicolino during his last night – white, with large black eyes, made

The icon of Mercy

A year in the company of the Good Samaritan. Indeed, it is the icon of mercy – which refers to the famous passage from the gospel narrated by Luke – that forms the background to the celebrations that have been