Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

This year in Kenya we have had four ordinations: one for the priesthood and three for the deaconate. The ceremony took place at the St. Camillus Seminary of Nairobi on 17 February last. The ordaining bishop was His Excellency Msgr.

Message of Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.I. Prefect ad interim of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development For the 15th World Rare Disease Day Diseases that are considered rare, although affecting a limited number of people per type of disease,

Padre Arnaldo Pangrazzi, camilliano, da 12 anni frequenta l’Ucraina, in particolare Leopoli, Kiev e Kharkiv per impartire corsi sulla pastorale dei malati, dei moribondi e delle persone in lutto. Questi eventi sono rivolti a medici infermieri e psicologi, in particolare