Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

di p. Luciano Sandrin, tratto da “Capire il malato. Lo sguardto della psicologia“, Edizioni Camilliane, Torino, 2014 ‘Many years ago my family used to go to a church near to our home’: this is the beginning of a book with

Visting the Sick

Two Biblical texts, one from the Old Testament and one from the New, bear witness to the extreme importance of visiting the sick. (4). In Sirach 7:35 we find the exhortation ‘Do not hesitate to visit the sick. You will

We well know that the culture in which we are immersed engages in a removal of death from the social scene: death today is de-socialised, reduced to an individual phenomenon, and is hidden, concealed, ripped from places where people live

‘Where there are Religious there is Joy’. Reflections on Consecrated Life Taken from Witnesses 5/2015 Men in their conduct look for a reason to be happy. For men and women religious the reason for their happiness should be their faithfulness

It is difficult to define old age: it is a very complex phenomenon in whose ‘construction’ biological, genetic, physical, psychological and pathological elements are at work, as well as cultural, social and environmental ones. And then it is a very

Taken from the book by M.Pavanello and V. Braga, Le quaglie e il pane del cielo (link cose nuove). Amongst the various forces working in Kenya it seems to us important to point to the presence of the Camillian fathers.