Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

Organ donation movement is an incredible gift that can light up the life of many and bring comfort and relief to the lives of several people, writes Bobin MI about the newly launched Camillian ministry Life Beats Bengaluru: Life beats

BANGKOK – Twenty-four Camillians and members of the grand Camillian Family participated in the recently opened Camillian Task Force (CTF) Leadership Conference 2 at the Camillian Pastoral Center of Bangkok. These participants hail from 13 countries where the Camillians are

Source: Vidimus Dominum The theologian Marco Vergottini, who is married and the father of four children, will analyse the subject ‘Another Look at Consecrated Life. How Religious Life and Lay Life Illumine each Other on the Pathway of Faith’ During

Spiritual Maternity

Mother Giuseppina Vannini, during her frenetic life which had a notable impact on her health, never neglected to live three great virtues: assiduous prayer, charity – spiritual maternity in relation to her sisters, and visits to, and care for, the

Fr. Sebastian (Santhosh) Christi, an Indian Camillian has joined in a two-week evangelization mission and visit to the internally displaced people (IDPs) of Kurdistan, Iraq together with the other two delegates from Christeen and Fiath Ministries. This is in response to the invitation of  Archbishop