Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

I Camilliani e la misericordia: assistere gli ammalati

Helping the Sick

     The fifth work of mercy in Matthew 25:36. ‘Illness and suffering have always been amongst the gravest problems confronted in human life. In illness, man experiences his powerlessness, his limitations and his finitude. Every illness can make us glimpse

THE PROVINCE OF ITALY A day of formation with the title ‘Hospital: House of Mercy. A History that Continues?’ was held at the Marani Centre of the hospital of Borgo Trento, Verona. Complete programme PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY     THE LAY

THE CAMILLIANS THE WOMEN MINISTERS OF THE SICK OF ST. CAMILLUS THE DAUGHTERS OF ST. CAMILLUS 11 February 2016 Grottaferrata (Roma) – Generalate House of the ‘Daughters of St. Camillus’ We opened the meeting with an intense and personal spiritual

Da  Missione Salute (rivista camilliana della Provincia Italiana) Gennaio- Febbraio 2016 di Padre Leocir Pessini According to the data of the World Health Organisation, every year more than 800,000 people take their own lives: this means that one suicide takes