Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

Our history is a long love story: from Christ to us, through Camillus’charism, who has made a holiness imbued with charity flourish in the Church and in the world .. Who are the saints? The hidden guides of the history

Perdonare e sentirci perdonati ci cambia la vita. È salutare. Ci fa star bene. Come non perdonare e non essere perdonati ce la può complicare. Il perdono è liberante, il non perdono ci imprigiona nel passato e blocca le risorse

Dear Confreres, Dear beloved sick people Dear brothers and sisters of the Camillian Charismatic Family And to all of you reading this short Easter message, We are celebrating Holy Easter in a special context in the Church: the Synod on

The Crossover n.25 is now available! In this number you will find: – Harnessing and strengthening global solidarity with the legacy of the Camillian Martyrs of Charity – Haiti continues its journey towards full recovery and resilience – Community corporative