Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

The Lay Camillian Family Central Commission held their annual meeting in Rome from 20 to 22 May 2016 The CC prepared their agenda using the priorities from the Emerging Themes from the General Assembley in Mottinello. The emerging themes were

Il documentario, compendiato da immagini suggestivi in HD e musiche inedite di forte impatto emotivo, rappresenta un’indagine volta a sondare il mistero del più antico popolo cristiano del mondo, il quale, dopo millecinquecento anni di storia segnata da prove immani

Due to the unhealthy air that enveloped the “Madonna of Miracles” on the banks of the Tiber river and the ever growing number of those who wished to join the nascent “Company of Father Camillo”, it soon moves from the

HOMILY OF THE HOLY FATHER JUBILEE OF THE SICK AND HEALTH-CARE WORKERS Friday, 11 February 2000  “The day shall dawn upon us from on high” (Lk 1: 78). With these words Zechariah foretold the Messiah’s imminent coming into the world. In