Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

ROME – The first convocation of the Board of Directors of the Camillian Disaster Service International (CADIS) took place in Rome at the historic site of the central government of the Order at Piazza della Maddalena on the 4th of

“Called to behold and to bear witness to the transfigured face of Christ, we Camillian religious are also called to a transfigured existence which finds in creative faithfulness to the charism of mercy towards the sick, the spirit and the

Visiting the Sick – Pierre Subleyras from the catalogue La misericordia nell’arte, Itinerario giubilare tra i Capolavori dei grandi artisti italiani (‘Mercy in Art, Jubilee Itinerary amongst the Masterpieces of Great Italian Artists’, edited by Maria Grazie Bernardini and Mario