Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

F.Zambotti, Cristo nel taschino. 100 domande, Gribaudi, Milano, 2016 “Dal taschino prendo una scheda…” Cosi padre Francesco Zambotti risponde a 100 domande sulla fede, una riflessione che vuole essere tascabile, cioè alla portata di tutti. “Noi consacrati – continua Padre

The Franciscan family does not have many hierarchical ranks. It is made up of sisters and brothers. Poverty, however, receives a special appellation – it is Our Lady. It is not only a sister like the moon or water. To

Motion 22 of the fifty-fifth Generai Chapter (Ariccia 2007) reads as follows: ‘The General Chapter should draw up guidelines for the Order in order to achieve more effective Camillian assistance’. Following this mandate of the General Chapter, the General Councillor

Taken from La civiltà cattolica, ‘Nicola d’Onofrio. Un religioso studente di oggi’, 17 March 2001, 152, 3618 Some years ago, Divo Barsotti observed that in every social condition – priests and religious, the married and the celibate, nuns and housewives