Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

Congregazione per gli Istituti di vita consacrata e le società di vita apostolica, Uniti nell’ascolto dello Spirito, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, 2016, pp.165 Il volume raccoglie i Messaggi finali degli eventi principali vissuti da migliaia di consacrati e

Feeding the hungry

Father Rosario Messina In his Bull for the Indiction of the Holy Year of Mercy the Pope writes at number 13: ‘We want to live this Jubilee Year in light of the Lord’s words: Merciful like the Father. The Evangelist

Solidarity in suffering and poverty went back to shared origins: to the crucifix, to the image of the man-God dying and without clothes. Francis and Camillus grew at the school of the crucifix. Their work started with the cross and

Quick update on the progress On 9th Aug: we were able to successfully finilize on the medicin supply working with CARITAS India team. Just received the medicine delivery. Today more challenge would have been added due to heavy rain for 3hrs in the

Father Rosario Messina In his Bull of Indiction for the Holy Year Pope Francis writes in n. 15: ‘It is my burning desire that, during this Jubilee, the Christian people may reflect on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy’.

Angelo Amato, I Santi messaggeri di misericordia, Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano, 2016 pp.457 San Giovanni Damasceno affermava che, venerando i santi con icone e statue visibili, i cristiani sono chiamati a imitarne le virtù, diventando anch’essi icone viventi

The Christian community is the historical extension of Christ.  The sick person should find in it the privileged place that they found in Jesus; the same preference, closeness and welcome, the same respectful and tender treatment, his healing strength. The