Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

Amplifying the power of compassion Pope Francis to declare Mother Teresa a Saint, on September 4, 2016: to be more Ablaze in the Glory of God. Anthoni Jeorge Kunnel I thank God almighty and share with everyone all over the

«Dedichiamo il nostro servizio a quelli che consideriamo i più poveri tra i poveri spiritualmente, coloro che non sono amati, non sono voluti, non sono assistiti, persone che nessuno ama». Il nome di Madre Teresa è indissolubilmente intrecciato all’amore per i più bisognosi: i derelitti di

Clothing the Naked

Father Rosario Messina ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return’ (Jb 1:21). This famous phrase of Job makes us reflect on the initial and final reality of each one of us: somebody clothes us when

Dear friends, The strong earthquake that hit Amatrice, Arquata and Accumoli (Rieti, Lazio, Italy) has so far left 240 people dead. The villages are located on the border of three regions in Central Italy, Lazio, Abruzzi and Marche, a seismic

One of the largest sites of the “Vanished Rome”, disappeared as a result of the radical restructuring of the area surrounding the Vatican in 1930, when the whole central part of the district was dramatically demolished to open a very

Padre  Rosario  Messina In the Old Testament God had already revealed that He was living water that quenches thirst and refreshes: ‘O God, you are my God, and I long for you. My whole being desires you, like a dry,