Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

On 9 October, at the ‘Nicola D’Onofrio’ Studentate of Acireale (Sicily), the pathway of the postulancy began for four young men of South Italy: Luca Apreda, Francesco Patti, Salvatore Barbagallo and Domenico Marino. Welcomed by the head of the postulancy,

PHOTO GALLERY Dearest Friends, I want to give you the latest news from Haiti, in particular from Jeremie. Father Massimo and two volunteers, reported as missing, are alive and well. As regards our mission, the old seminary, in particular, has

Man is an ‘embodied spirit’ and for this reason the Word of God invites all believers to love every man and the whole man in his mysterious unity of body and spirit. Thus, after reflecting on corporal needs, we can