Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

I would like to begin my comments on this second ‘work of spiritual mercy’ with a fine thought of St. Rabano  Mauro, the Benedictine Abbot of Fulda and a great Archbishop of Magonza: ‘Those who lead back the errant to

We offer below the series of names of the Superior Generals who have followed one another during the four hundred years of history of our Order and a list of the General Chapters that have accompanied the development of the

Ouagadougou – Friday, 14 October 2016 The morning of the fifth day of this meeting was dedicated to certain Camillian centres in Ouagadougou: the St. Camillus Hospital, the ‘Pietro Annigoni’ Centre for Biomolecular Research, and the ‘Candaf’ Health-Care Centre. These