Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

In order to perform this work of charity in an aware way it is necessary first of all to understand what the ‘Communion of Saints’ is. This is something, indeed, that all of us declare that we accept and believe

The Word of God, which in the previous talk invited us to forgive offences, now becomes the necessary premiss to be able to bear the wrongs of others patiently. However, when we speak about bearing the wrongs of others, it

Thoughts about parishes, especially if they are Camillian parishes, by Fr. Rosario Messina ‘This the day that the Lord made, let us rejoice and exult’ sings the Easter liturgy. The ancient Didascalia Apostolorum ventured to state: ‘those who are sad

Danio Mozzi, M.I. Cesare Bresciani was born in San Pietro di Legnano in 1763. He studied at the College of the Acolytes and in 1801 entered the Sacred Brotherhood which had been founded by Leonardi. A lover of literature and