Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

di: Bruno Scapin Che questo libro sia stato scritto da uno che “ha le mani in pasta” lo si capisce dalla concretezza delle analisi e dalla precisione delle diagnosi. Lo si evince anche dal coraggio di affrontare un tema in parte

The extraordinary Provincial Chapter of the Spanish Province of the Camillians was celebrated on 27 February to 1 March 2017. Its theme was ‘Embracing the Present with Joy and the Future with Hope’. The chairman of the Chapter was Br.

The decision about when to begin palliative care is not an easy one. Various interconnected factors are at work in this process. They are emotional, cultural and scientific factors that have different impacts on the various actors that are involved

Missione Salute March-April year XXX n. 2 Conscientious objection is the possibility of not obeying a human law that is against the law of God, that is to say it is a rejection of behaviour that is against one’s own

Paolo Guarise The Camillians are present in about ten African countries. After the first failed attempt in the Sudan at the end of the nineteenth century with Fr. Stanislao Carcereri, the Camillians settled in Tanzania (1959), Burkina Faso (1966), Benin

 The encyclical Laudato si’ of Pope Francis, a document which is at times moving, pays a great deal of attention to the illnesses of the globalised planet and to relationships with patients. It is an invitation to rediscover the values