The General Consulta for Formation Fr. Baby Ellickal and the Regional Secretary for Formation in East Africa Fr. Fredrick Mukabana, in collaboration with the Secretaries of Formation in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda, successfully organized two Ongoing Formation Workshops for Camillian
Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione
Crossover n.31 in this number you will also find: – A reflection on “Climate change. The urgent need for ecological conversion for a sustainable future” – Updates from the project in Uganda – Testimonies of the Ukrainian beneficiaries
Dear friends, I take this opportunity to invite you to the Milome July edition as I take you through the events and activities that took place at Dala Kiye. A major event to note is that on 16th. We celebrated
Dear Confrere, On behalf of the Camillian Philippine Province, I am delighted to invite you for the upcoming Camillian Renewal Course, themed “Consecrated Life in the Synodal Church,” which will take place from October 2nd to October 7th, 2023. The event
Dear friends, The month of June was quite a busy one with lots of activities. The children continued with their studies and were very active in their execution of their day to day activities with enthusiasm. We take this opportunity
The Feast Day of St Camillus De Lellis on 14 July is truly significant to Fr Dado Haber MI. A member of the Camillian Congregation—founded in 1582 by St Camillus to care for the sick—Fr Dado has devoted his life
DEAR CONFRERS, We hope that each of you will be full of life and hope in these days when we prepare to celebrate the feast of our patron and founder St. Camillus de Lellis. The example of this giant
From 18 May onwards, in order to adapt to common custom, Camillus had been in the infirmary. Physicians were consulted. He took away their embarrassment and anticipated their conclusion: ‘I am old and I am declining. From my sore comes
SUMMARY Debut 1) The law of charity, spread in the hearts of the Faithful through the Holy Spirit, has united the nations of the whole world with a bond of brotherhood. By this spirit of love the face of the
SISTO V PAPA In perpetual memory. Dress question. Recently, We, with Apostolic authority, approved and confirmed the Company or Congregation called “Ministers of the Infirm”, initiated by Camillus de Lellis, Priest of the Theatine Diocese, and his Companions, with
Dear friends, We hope all is well back home with your families, we greet you from the bottom of our hearts from Dala Kiye. In this edition of Milome, we give you a brief update about the activities at Dala
Tomorrow, 25 May, the anniversary of the birth of St. Camillus, we remember the Martyrs of Charity with an unpublished document kept in the archives of the Generalate, which lists the names of the first martyrs who fell while serving
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