Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

In the context of a network of palliative care, the operational method by which to respond in a unitary way to the needs of sick people and their relatives is teamwork. In various documents recognised organisations belonging to this sector,

As a preparation for the Feast of St. Camillus all the communities in Indian Province had nine days of Novena in honour of St. Camillus. Adding colour to the celebration Fr. Baby Ellickal , the Provincial Superior, brought a Unique

 The community engaged in a solemn celebration of the feast day of St. Camillus on 14 July. To this celebration, in good time, we invited Msgr. Giuseppe Pellegrini, the Bishop of Concordia Pordenone, who is known by many Camillians (amongst

The ‘Come and See’ Camillian community of Acireale in Sicily has had a rich and important experience: ten young men underwent the experience of the service-camp to engage in discernment about their vocations and thereby understand the project of the