Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

Bihar (northeast India) again is submerged with water. 514 died and 17.2 million people are impacted in 21 Districts. Most of them are the socially excluded and economically impoverished communities like the scheduled castes, Dalits and Muslims.   The Camillian

COURSE OF ONGOING FORMATION (Bucchianico 1998) the Charism and Spirituality  of camillian mission By Calisto Vendrame The Charism in the Constitution The pathway by which to live the charism and the spirituality of Camillus is to be found in our

By Marco Candidi From Camillianum, Rivista dell’Istituto internazionale di Teologia Pastorale Sanitaria, year XVI, III quarter, n. 48/2016 On the occasion of the Jubilee of Mercy it was especially interesting to try to make people informed of the fact that

Missione Salute n. 2/2017 The chapel dedicated to St. Camillus in Sampran Nakorn Pathom was built in response to certain needs of our Camillian Social Centre which is made up of  a house for formation for pre-novices and for temporary

Missione Salute n. 2/2017 It seems incredible…for the Western world but the need to create new spaces for young men has led the Camillians of Indonesia to promote the initiative of a theologate in Maumere on the Island of Flores.