Author Archives: Ufficio Comunicazione

Paolo Martinelli – Custodi dello stupore, La vita consacrata: Vangelo, profezia e speranza Gli interventi raccolti in questo volume trovano il loro contesto in una iniziativa nata da una collaborazione fra l’Arcidiocesi di Milano e il Centro Studi di Spiritualità

The fourth annual conference on ‘Leadership’ organised by the Camillian Disaster Service (CADIS) Foundation is currently being held (5-15 November 2017) at the Camillian Pastoral Care Center of Bangkok, Thailand. There are thirty participants, including religious and lay people, in particular from Asia

A HUNDRED ARMS AND MANY MORE! By Fr. Alfredo M. Tortorella Bucchianico (Ch), the town where St. Camillus de Lellis (1550-1614) was born, was chosen as the destination of the annual pilgrimage organised by the section for pastoral care for