IV Meeting of the Central Economic Commission

The fourth meeting of the Order’s Central Economic Commission (CEC) was held from September 9 to 13. The meeting was attended by all its members: Br. José Ignacio Santaolalla (general bursar), Fr. Rodel Enríquez (province of the Philippines), Fr. Guy Flavien Ouedraogo (local bursar of the Generalate), Fr. Martin Sankima (province of Burkina Faso), Fr. Mario Luis Kozik (provincial bursar of the province of Brazil), Dr. Bruno Tribioli (Roman province) and Dr. Emilio Villar (administrator of the Spanish province). Fr. Pedro Tramontin (Superior General) was present during the first two days of the meeting.

The meeting was held in two locations. From September 8 to 11, it was held in the Camillian community of Tres Cantos (Madrid). Then, on September 12 and 13, the CEC moved to our community in Seville.

The opening day began with welcoming words by Fr. Pedro Tramontin, followed by a presentation from Br. José Ignacio Santaolalla who outlined the main objectives of the meeting. One of the highlights of the first session was the revision of the methodology and organization of the analysis of the 2023 budgets of the Provinces, Vice-Provinces and Delegations of the Order. This review is essential to ensure the sustainability of Camillian works globally.

Afterwards, the participants visited the facilities of the “Centro San Camilo” (Centro Asistencial and Centro de Humanización de la Salud) accompanied by the Provincial Superior, Br. José Carlos Bermejo, who after the visit presented the entire reality of the Spanish Province and its projects. Members of the Management Committee of the San Camilo Center were also present during this presentation.

In the afternoon, the Superior General presented the comprehensive strategic consulting project for the Order, entitled “Diagnosis and Possibilities.” This project aims to redefine courses of action and optimize the use of the Order’s resources in a global context. The day concluded with a detailed analysis of the Generalate’s economic and financial situation, updated on June 30, 2024, and an update on the most important economic operations of the General Curia at the present time.

September 10 was devoted integrally to the presentation of the financial reports of the Provinces for the financial year 2023 and the development of concrete recommendations to the Provinces. In the last session of the day, the proposed contribution of the Order’s provinces to the Generalate for the year 2025 was approved for submission to the Superior General and the Consulta.

On the 11th, the CEC was updated on the process and progress of drafting the Administrative Rules of the Order (ARO). The General Chapter of 2022 entrusted the General Consulta with the task of drafting general regulations that, based on canon law and Camillian Constitution, would describe and regulate the Order’s main economic and administrative processes. Br. José Ignacio Santaolalla presented some working documents in this regard, such as the complete and indexed extract of the economic and administrative contents found in our Constitution, General Dispositions and Ordo Capitolorum. He also presented information on some regulations of religious congregations to which he had access and finally an initial proposed index for our regulations. After a rich exchange, the CEC decided to approve this index and to work on its contents. Fr. Rodel will prepare a first draft of the contents (with English and Italian versions) that will be shared via e-mail with all members to receive their suggestions for changes and additions. In January 2025, at an upcoming videoconference meeting of the CEC, the proposals will be discussed and a proposal will be drafted to send to the General Consulta.

With more information exchanged and the meeting evaluated, we closed this phase of the meeting at Tres Cantos and took advantage of the sunny afternoon to stroll through the centre of Madrid and appreciate some of its iconic monuments.

On September 12, most of the CEC members travelled to Seville. Due to work commitments, Mr. Emilio Villar and Fr. Rodel did not attend this. In Seville we had the opportunity to get to know the members and activities of the community with presentations by those in charge, to learn more about the financing of a prototype Camillian community in the Spanish province, and to deepen the exchange of information.

September 13 was devoted to getting to know the historic centre of Seville with emblematic visits such as the Catedral, the “Reales Alcázares,” the Plaza de España, and not forgetting the modern monumentality of “las Setas de Sevilla”, that is, the huge wood and concrete pergola built a few years ago in the Plaza de la Encarnación that is officially called Metropol Parasol.

On Saturday morning, September 14, a very punctual AVE train took us 300 kilometres per hour back to Madrid to have lunch with the Tres Cantos community and afterwards begin the return of the CEC members to their place of residence and work.

Bro. José Ignacio Santaolalla MI