60th anniversary of camillian presence in Colombia

The Camillian religious of the delegation in Colombia-Ecuador, with the motto “In hope called to serve,” are enthusiastically celebrating this time of grace and blessing. Like a seed that falls on the earth, the plant of charity of service to our sick brothers and sisters has come to these lands of Latin America for many years.

We celebrate in a special way the event that 60 years ago, this seed touched the Colombian soil again to continue spreading the aroma of tenderness, teaching us to serve with the heart, with the love of a mother. With the closeness and presence of Camillian religious, volunteers, the Lay Camillian Family and other collaborators, as a Church we experienced two special moments in the light of faith, enlightened by our pastors. In the presence of the Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Bogota, Cardinal Luis José Rueda Aparicio, who encouraged us to continue to be witnesses of the presence of Christ who is always near and present in the reality of suffering.

He reminded us of three fundamental attitudes intrinsic to the Church as mother and to our charism as witnesses of life. These attitudes are hope, trust and discernment. With hope, we are reminded that in the midst of sorrow, the Lord Jesus assures us that He always remains in our midst, and this is reason enough not to be invaded by the enemy of despair. On the contrary, hoping in Him is the way that the man of faith always experiences, because he knows in whom he has placed his hope. With trust-confidence, he insists that the world needs messengers to proclaim and remind us of the trust God has placed in us by calling us children, emphasizing that His presence is permanent and that He is always watching and welcoming us. And in order to live with hope and confidence, he gives us the virtue of discernment, to be able to discern what the Lord’s will is in our actions and in the midst of our realities and our humanity, never abandoned by the fatherly love that comes from the Lord.

This first spiritual nourishment was given in the presence and intimacy of the meeting of Major Superiors, held this year in the city of Bogota, in the Camillian Center for Humanization and Health Pastoral Care, which welcomed us. Another very special moment was celebrated in the Bogota Primatial Cathedral, where we gathered on Saturday, June 8, to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the charism of mercy that St. Camillus transmitted through his way of serving those who suffer.

The entire Camillian charismatic family present in Colombia, united with the local and national Church, raises its gratitude to God because it is He who made this plant of Charity sprout.

The celebration was presided over by Monsignor Alejandro Díaz, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Bogotá, who invited us to live this special moment with gratitude in our hearts and to experience it with the eyes of faith. In the image of Christ the doctor, who heals physical and spiritual suffering but above all is the ultimate remedy for sin, he invited us to witness this love for those who suffer, being today those missionary disciples that the world needs, following the example of Camillus, this Abruzzese saint.

This is the work of the seed of charity that has had two moments in our land. Today we celebrate the continuity of more than 60 years: the first missionaries were invited by then Cardinal Luis Concha, and encouraged to live this reality of patience with those who suffer. The lessons this charism has taught us left in each of us urges us to continue to respond to the needs of today, and where this charism has much to contribute, in respect for life, dignity, humanization of health services, etc. Not forgetting the little ones and faithfully devoting ourselves to this holy service was part of his invitation, following the example of St. Camillus de Lellis, and may the red cross on his chest continue to be a sign of hope and joy in our country.

In this atmosphere of closeness and celebration we were able to come together to feel comforted and encouraged to continue witnessing God’s presence in our midst. For the Colombia- Ecuador Delegation it was a great opportunity to commemorate this anniversary, united in prayer with those who for various reasons could not experience it in person, but who were sowers of those seeds that today continue to bear fruit by God’s grace. We are truly grateful for what we have experienced, but also for the responsibility of continuing to cultivate this particular vocation of service and dedication. For this we thank God, the Order of the Ministers of the Infirm, and our mother province in northern Italy that has allowed us to know and carry on this charism of mercy through the action of the Holy Spirit.

Encouraged to continue to serve in hope, we pray that we will never lack God’s guidance and blessing to continue to be bearers of his light.

Fr. Diego Fernando MI