Dear Provincial Superiors/Delegates
At the end of the IV General Assembly of the Lay Camillian Family (LCF) held in Sacrofano (Rome) from 01 to 07 May 2023, a new International Executive was elected: Anita ENNIS (President) from Ireland, Giovanni CAMPO (Vice-President) from Italy, Angela MAIR (Secretary) from Austria and Lina Maria Quintana Rodriguez (Treasurer) from Colombia.
The LCF as a work proper to our Order is formed by people who, in the name of their Baptism, live and share the Spirituality and Charism of St. Camillus de Lellis. They are present with us in the Provinces and Delegations for the promotion of our spirituality and charism. On Sunday, 7 May, after the Mass of Thanksgiving in the Magdalene Church, the members of the Assembly participated in the Angelus prayer at St. Peter’s. Everything ended that day with a lunch at La Maddalena. You will soon receive the Assembly’s final Message, which the Executive is currently filing.
Thanks to you and the Spiritual Assistants for the support of various kinds which helped the Assembly to run smoothly. Special thanks to Superior General who attended most of the Assembly. Thanks to the Consultors for their commitment during the various moments of preparation and conduct. Thanks also to the confreres of Magdalena, Rebuschini House and the Studentate of the Roman Province for the welcome and hospitality of the participants who came from 27 countries.
The General Assembly proved to be a real moment of impetus for the Association and we hope to continue to nourish this moment of grace for the fruits of a renewed commitment of the laity to the service of the Charism in our Provinces and Delegations. Thank you again. God bless you.
Roma, 2023/05/12
p. Medard ABOUE
General Spiritual Assistant
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