Celebrations in the Places of the Conversion of St. Camillus

On 2 February 1575, on the road from San Giovanni Rotondo to Manfredonia, the young Camillus de Lellis abandoned for ever the tearaway life that he had led up to that point in order to dedicate himself to those most in infernoneed. The places of the conversion of St. Camillus in Puglia are characterised every year by a rich programme of events in order to remember the day that changed the life of that saint for ever. The celebrations of 2014 have been enriched by a number of important appointments, in the light of the four hundredth anniversary of the death of the ‘Giant of Charity’.

They will begin on 1 February at 10.30 with a Holy Mass celebrated in the cathedral of Manfredonia by the Archbishop, Monsignor Michele Castoro. This will be followed by the announcement of the plenary indulgence for those who visit the places of the conversion of St. Camillus de Lellis. At 12.00 there will be the departure from the square behind the sanctuary to go to the ‘Valle dell’Inferno’ of San Giovanni Rotondo where at 12.45 there will be an evocative prayer with the reading of the ‘Step of Conversion’ and the blessing with the relic of the heart of St. Camillus. At 20.45, at the sanctuary of St. Mary of the Graces, the holy rosary will be animated by Camillian religious. At the end of this there will be a floral tribute to the ancient icon of Our Lady.

The events of 2 February will begin, again in San Giovanni Rotondo, with a celebration of the Eucharist in the chapel of the ‘Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza’ Hospital presided over at 9.30 by Father Hubert Goudjinou, the Consultor General for Formation of the Camillians. At the end, there will be a blessing with the relic of the heart of St. Camillus. At 17.00 there will be a Candlemas with the sick at the St. Camillus de Lellis Parish of Manfredonia. The relic of the heart of St. Camillus will be received by the parish priest, Don Francesco de Finis. At 17.25  there will be a holy rosary for all suffering people and prayers for the gift of the indulgence. Lastly, at 18:00, there will be a Holy Mass presided over by Father Rosario Mauriello, the Provincial Superior of the Camillians of southern Italy. The charitable and volunteer associations of the city will take part: the diocesan Caritas, Unitalsi, Ual, the Association of catholic Doctors, PASER, and the Italian Red Cross.

The celebrations will end on Monday 3 February at 16.30 with a celebration of the Eucharist in the chapel of the St. Camillus de Lellis Civic Hospital of Manfredonia presided over by Father Aldo Milazzo, the Superior of the Camillian community of  Macchia-Monte Sant’Angelo. The hospital personnel, AVO and all the hospital voluntary workers will take part.

The celebrations on Tele Radio Padre Pio

For the whole of the celebrations, the radio channel Tele Radio Padre Pio will broadcast some moments of reflection and prayer in relation to the conversion of St. Camillus.

The first appointment is fixed for Friday 24 January at 19.15, with an interview with Father Paolo Guarise, the Vicar General of the Order, and Brother Carlo Mangione, the referent of the General Consulta for the fourth centenary of the death of St. Camillus de Lellis. A programme on the Camillian world will then follow.

CamilloTuesday 28 January, at 19.15, an interview with Father Aldo Milazzo and Father Rosario Messina.

Saturday 1 February, at  20.45, a live broadcast of the holy rosary – with comments on the writings of St. Camillus – from the sanctuary of St. Mary of the Graces. This will be animated by Camillian religious.

Lastly, on Sunday 2 February 11.30, a programme on the designation of the Valle dell’Inferno as a spiritual place for the plenary indulgence, as announced by His Excellency Monsignor Castoro.

In addition, in the daily newspaper Avvenire on 2 February a special page will be published on the conversion of St. Camillus and the fourth centenary of his death.

Read here the press information

Look here for the interview with Father Luigi Secchi on the conversion of St. Camillus