On 7 April 2018, in Budapest, at the Semmelveis University Clinic of Medicine, a meeting took place of the Lay Camillian Family of Hungary and the ‘Heal the Sick’ Community of Camillian Catholic Doctors. Its purpose was to pray for the sick and for the medical doctors who work inside the institution.
The meeting was held inside a chapel dedicated to St. Camillus inside the hospital complex that was inaugurated almost a year ago with a celebration of the Eucharist presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Erdö Péter.
During the Holy Mass the ‘Heal the Sick’ Community of Camillian Catholic Doctors received as a member Prof. Prim. Dr. Szathmári Miklós, the creator of the St. Camillus Chapel. The celebration was presided over by Fr. Alfréd György M.I., the General Delegate of the Province of Austria.
In this atmosphere of prayer, the importance of having a place to which one can ‘retreat’ to pray, and where examples of faith and of charity such as St. Camillus can be found, was emphasised. As a wounded healer, Camillus transmitted the burning love of the Lord through service to those in need. And in experiencing healing, nearness to illness, we, too, can be a presence that transmits the saving force of faith and burning charity through the charism that has been given to us.
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