A General gathering of St. Camillus province of India was held on 3rd November 2023 at St. Camillus Provincialate, to discuss and decide on the project of Amalgamation of Anglo-Irish province with the Indian Province. Those who were not able to attend meeting in presence participated it online.
Fr. Sebastian Christi was elected the moderator of the Meeting and Fr. Bobit Thomas the Secretary. Fr. Bijoy Kuliraniyil, the provincial Superior presented briefly the Status of Irish province, the Juridical structure and the Process of Amalgamation, and concerns of the Irish Confreres. This presentation included responses, concerns, recommendations and suggestions of the Irish and Indian confreres.
There was also a discussion regarding the Ugandan Mission, currently of the Irish Province, that will eventually become a mission of Indian Province. There were suggestions and proposals on how to assist the mission so as to develop it into an autonomous province or vice province in 10-15 years’ time.
Fr. Baby Ellickal spoke from the perceptive of General consulta. He said that it is a draft of General consulta and part strategic plan to restructure our Order with emphasis on two aspects: a) vision of re-vitalization through building unity among the religious with an emphasis on missionary aspect of the Order; b) re-structure Camillian Order through merging of small provinces/delegations to make them larger provinces.
The proposal of amalgamation of Anglo-Irish Province with St. Camillus Province India has been approved by the general assembly with 59 religious voting in favour.
Indian Province organizes a General Assembly

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