Today December 12th, 2017, the Camillian Delegation in Vietnam celebrated the 25th anniversary of its presence in Vietnam at Dong Tien Catholic Church. This event was the joy not only for the Delegation but also for the poor sick and for everyone.
From early morning, we welcomed Fr. General Leocir Pessini, Fr. Pairat Sriprasert the provincial superior of Thai province, Fr. Stephen Foster the provincial of Anglo-Irish province, Fr. Alfréd György the Delegate of Austrian Delegation, representatives from Camillian Provinces, Delegations, guests who were priests, religious and the faithful from many places came to participate the celebration.
The presider of Mass was Archbishop Paul Bui Van Doc of Saigon Archdiocese, and the homilist was Bishop Peter Nguyen Van Kham of Mỹ Tho Diocese.
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