Il titolo di questo libro, Target Zero Victims, trasuda speranza. Il libro mostra anche gli orrori degli abusi sessuali sui bambini. In quattro capitoli, raccogliamo storie di vittime, e in quattro capitoli, storie di abusatori, storie di membri della famiglia
Monthly Archives: September 2021
La esencia del Ser es el silencio. El silencio es el hilo conductor de la existencia y del universo. Los seres humanos somos conductores del Todo y, a través nuestro, Dios se hace consciente de sí mismo y es capaz
COVID and the religious vows Interview with His Excellency Monsignor J.R. Carballo, Secretary of the Congregation for Religious by Lorenzo Prezzi in “Settimana News” May 9, 2021 In an interview, His Excellency Monsignor José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM, archbishop secretary of
by Fr. Efisio Locci We are celebrating your feast day at a time of pandemic – therefore with a grain of sadness, but also with the joy that comes to us from the conviction that, in following the road you
At 8.30 in the morning of 14 August 2021 Haiti was struck by an earthquake of 7.2 on the Richter scale. At our Camillian communities in Jérémie and in Port au Prince our religious experienced the same fears and
On 15 September 2021, the religious of the Camillian Province of Brazil began their celebrations of the Jubilee Year, looking forward to the commemoration of the hundredth anniversary of the arrival of the first Camillians in the Terra de
Interview with His Excellency Monsignor J.R. Carballo, Secretary of the Congregation for Religious by Lorenzo Prezzi in “Settimana News” May 9, 2021 In an interview, His Excellency Monsignor José Rodríguez Carballo, OFM, archbishop secretary of the Congregation for Institutes of
Il suicidio è un viaggio senza ritorno che tarpa le ali alla speranza. Quanti lo compiono sono prigionieri di pensieri e sentimenti che li consumano e travolgono, sospingendoli alla scelta fatale. Con frequenza chi chiude il sipario non lascia trapelare
COMPASSION IN ACTION Reaching out to the Unreached-The COOVID-19 Relief Activities by St. Camillus Province, in collaboration with Tzu Chi Foundation, St. Camillus Foundation, Taiwan, Hope Foundation, Milan, CADIS, PRO.SA, NGOs, Government agencies and Religious Congregations, from April 2020 to
La Chiesa dai suoi inizi è sempre stata una comunità di fede con un riguardo speciale per la sofferenza e l’esperienza della malattia. Una comunità di salute relazionale: di parole e cure che generano gioia, alleviano la sofferenza, stimolano la
Salute e Sviluppo ( is an Italian association established in 1996 by the General Consulta of the Order of the Ministers to the Sick (Camillians). The NGO is inspired by the evangelical values and charism of St. Camillus de Lellis
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