MESSAGE OF HIS HOLINESS POPE FRANCIS FOR WORLD MISSION DAY 2021 “We cannot but speak about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20) Dear Brothers and Sisters, Once we experience the power of God’s love, and recognize his
Monthly Archives: January 2021
«Un mosaico di volti, storie, emozioni. Da chi ha superato la sfida del Covid-19 a chi ne è rimasto sopraffatto. Sino alle testimonianze raccolte direttamente dall’Autore di eroi del quotidiano, uomini e donne incontrati in un tempo sospeso. Sullo sfondo
Sr. Laura Cortese, a Daughter of St. Camillus, was a guest on the new programme of TV2000 ‘I magnifici 7’ (‘The Magnificent 7’), conducted by Michele La Ginestra and with the participation of Don Andrea Cavallini, the director of the
NEWSLETTER 73 // GENNAIO 2021 Message of the Holy Father Francis for the 29th World Day of the Sick [11 February 2021] “You have but one teacher and you are all brothers” (Mt 23:8). A trust-based relationship to guide care
Alcune immagini dell’apertura del Centenario della presenza camilliana negli Stati Uniti d’America (1921/2021). St. Camillus Domenica 17 gennaio 2021 è stato aperto il Centenario con diversa sante messe celebrate in tutto il campus ‘San Camillo’ e nella nostra comunità camilliana.
A father in the wards, on his own, to provide support to the patients. This is the story of Fr. Davide Negrini who during the darkest days of the first stage of the pandemic took responsibility for providing spiritual support to
The history of Camillian missions is almost a secular history. In the 17th century, the first century of the Order’s life, Camillian religious were engaged in Italy, where there were lots of dramatic situations with the repeated epidemics and pestilences,
Tecnologie moderne e competenze antiche per il restauro ed il consolidamento dell’altare di “San Nicola” nella chiesa camilliana della “Maddalena” a Roma. Un sentito ringraziamento a tutti coloro che stanno rendendo possibile questo ulteriore intervento di conservazione di un patrimonio
Immagini della professione temporanea dei confratelli neo professi Melco Albeiro Hortúa, Jesús Aníbal Semanate e Franco José Miranda (6 gennaio 2021, cappella di San José – Casa Betania – Bogotà).
Médard Aboue, M.I. In December 2019, we saw the problem of Corona virus far away from us, and we hoped that it would remain confined to Wuhan in China, because it was quickly defeated. We were still feeling reassured by
Missione Salute N.5/2020 pp.14-15 By Fr. Augusto Chendi The deaths in loneliness and the coffins with no one to watch over them, which the pandemic has forced us to witness, have eroded the most characteristic trait of our being human:
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