I was once asked why a person chooses to be a volunteer and emphasis was provocatively placed on the inclination of people to become a volunteer for their own benefit more than for other people. I believe that each person
Monthly Archives: September 2017
Congregazione per gli Istituti di Vita Consacrata e le Società di Vita Apostolica, Consacrazione e Secolarità, Lettera ai Vescovi della Chiesa Cattolica sugli Istituti Secolari Collana Documenti Vaticani Gli Istituti Secolari Il mondo degli Istituti Secolari comprende Istituti laicali maschili
Huston police officer Daryl Hudeck carries Catherine Pahm and her 13-month- old son, Aiden, after rescuing them from floodwaters on Sunday, August 27 CADIS USA at the onset of the two devastating back to back Category 4 hurricanes Harvey
Consuelo Santamaría se pregunta en el prólogo de este libro: “¿Qué tiene que ver la pedagogía con los sentidos?”. Y responde: “Realmente muchísimo. Los sentidos son las ventanas por las que el ser humano sale de su yo interior y
In anticipation of and in preparation for the Synod of Bishops to be held in 2018 on the topic “Young people, faith and vocation discernment”, this Dicastery has organized a Conference for Major Superiors and Vocation Animation Personnel on Vocational
Fr. Davide Cattaneo, classe 1939, da diversi decenni missionario camilliano a Taiwan (Lotung), quest’anno è stato insignito dal Governo taiwanese del prestigioso riconoscimento di ‘medico buono’, per i suoi meriti verso i malati, in modo speciale per la sua dedizione
Una guía del voluntariado cristiano que vemos y el que no vemos en nuestro día a día, analizado desde su vocación de servicio, sus siglas, su identidad y desde su sensibilidad: presencia en los hospitales, en cáceles, en centros de escucha,
September 2017 THE WORLD DAY OF PRAYER FOR CREATION 1 September 2017 The story of creation presents us with a panoramic view of the world. Scripture reveals that, “in the beginning”, God intended humanity to cooperate in the preservation and
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