Lettera pastorale per l’anno 2016-2017 di Bruno Forte, Arcivescovo Metropolita di Chieti-Vasto, dal titolo “La Chiesa della carità” Scarica qui il PDF
Monthly Archives: March 2017
PHOTOGALLERY March 23, 2017 dawned with successful accomplishment of the first batch of Diploma in Pastoral Health Theology (DPHT) of Upasana Indian Institute of Pastoral Health Theology (UIIPHT), which began its existence with the launching and inauguration on 2nd June
«Fratel Ettore si è fatto ultimo con gli ultimi. Non li ha solo accolti. Li ha anche cercati, per amore e per fede, come immagini vive e palpitanti del Figlio di Dio fattosi uomo e resosi misteriosamente presente in ogni
fr. Luciano Sandrin When walking the streets of my town I come across young men who instead of the usual bags or providential umbrellas offer an extendable stick. Its technical name is ‘selfie stick’, a small stick on the top
For eleven years Fr. Arnaldo Pangrazzi has been going regularly to the Ukraine to hold courses in various cities of the country. The targets of these meetings are medical doctors, people taking the master’s degree in bioethics at the Catholic
This new volume (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2017) contains the thoughts that emerged during the course of the plenary assembly of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life that was held on 27-30 November 2014 and
Fifty years after the promulgation of the encyclical letter POPULORUM PROGRESSIO of Pope Paul VI (26 March 1967) This is the fiftieth anniversary of the great social encyclical of Paul VI, Populorum progressio (26 March 1967). The central axis of
By Fr. I. Radrizzani FATHER ALESSANDRO PEDRONI ‘How much I love our Order! I wish to see it propagated in all the regions of the world, in order to spread the treasures of its evangelical charity’. To Father Alessandro Pedroni
Nella Bolla di indizione del Giubileo straordinario papa Francesco afferma che la misericordia «è la legge fondamentale che abita nel cuore di ogni persona quando guarda con occhi sinceri il fratello che incontra nel cammino della vita» (Misericordiae Vultus 2).
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