The Humanisation of Health and Access to Care 21-24 April 2016 Centro de Humanización de la Salud Tres Cantos, Madrid The meeting of directors of Camillian centres for pastoral care/humanisation, of universities, of the Camillianum and Camillian medical doctors,
Monthly Archives: May 2016
The ‘Camilianos na Foz do Amazonaz’ – ‘Camillians at the Mouth of the Amazon’ – Project is an example of health care created without fixed institutions and agencies which has the intention of involving communities in taking responsibility for their
A.Pangrazzi, El dolor no es para siempre. Los grupos de ayuda mutua en el duelo, Salterra, Maliaño (Cantabria), 2016,pp.172 Desde hace ya algunos decenios han surgido, tanto en Italia como en España, grupos de ayuda mutua para personas en duelo
SAN CAMILLO DE LELLIS E I SUOI AMICI Ordini religiosi e arte tra Rinascimento e Barocco ‘St. Camillus de Lellis and his Friends. Religious Orders and Art between the Renaissance and the Baroque’ Edited by Lydia Salviucci Insolera and Eugenio
Passage taken from Domenico Casera, Esercizi spirituali alla scuola del Beato Enrico Rebuschini, Cremona – Mottinello, 1996, pp. 30-33. There is a phrase in Italian – ‘passare il testimone’ (‘handing over the baton’). This term comes from sport and comes
Sessa Aurunca 18 April 2016 Fr. Luciano Sandrin, Camillian We are invited, still today, to express our mercy through works of corporal and spiritual mercy. ‘This will be a way to reawaken our conscience, too often grown dull in the
Naples, 5 May 2016 – free tests for breast cancer and a bouquet of flowers for all mothers. This was the initiative launched by the ‘Santa Maria della Pietà’ Hospital of Casoria (Naples) which is managed by Camillian religious on
Ore 12.00 arrivo della reliquia alla Cappella centrale del Policlinico Umberto I Ore 12.30 santa Messa presieduta da Sua Ecc Za Mons. Leuzzi, Vescovo ausiliare della città di Roma e delegato per la Pastorale Universitaria Al termine la reliquia verrà
MADRID EXCHANGE: Proposals and Courses of Action Humanization of Healthcare and Access to Quality Care 21-24 April 2016 Centro de Humanización de la Salud Tres Cantos, Madrid The meeting of the directors of the Camillian pastoral/ humanization centers, universities, Camillianum
Pellegrini da Olgiate Comasco sulle tracce della Misericordia nei Santi: #SanCamillo li ha affascinati! Voglia di canto, fede, desiderio di conversione, fraternità, spirito di famiglia GALLERIA FOTOGRAFICA
By Don Tonino Bello Real sadness is not when, in the evening, there is nobody waiting for you when you return home, but when you no longer expect anything from life. And you suffer the darkest loneliness not when you
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