Monthly Archives: February 2016
After a meeting with a missionary group I was in Alexandria and when going towards the railway station to take the train that would take me back to Turin I found a church along the way and stopped to go
‘They still bring forth fruit in old age’ If we open the Bible at verse 15 of Psalm 92 we read ‘They still bring forth fruit in old age, they are ever full of sap and green, to show that
Feelings, treasures that we keep within ourselves, are always a true and profound expression of our state of mind and our spirit. Many of us express them easily; others less so, given that they feel inhibited. We have a propensity
The fifth work of mercy in Matthew 25:36. ‘Illness and suffering have always been amongst the gravest problems confronted in human life. In illness, man experiences his powerlessness, his limitations and his finitude. Every illness can make us glimpse
DOWNLOAD THE PDF February 2016 Prophecy, Proximity and Hope. The Canonical Erection of the Camillian Province of India We would like to share with you some suggestions that Fr. Vittorio Paleari, the Provincial Superior of the ‘Mother’ Province of North
THE PROVINCE OF ITALY A day of formation with the title ‘Hospital: House of Mercy. A History that Continues?’ was held at the Marani Centre of the hospital of Borgo Trento, Verona. Complete programme PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY THE LAY
Una famiglia di Sassuolo (Modena), di passaggio per la nostra chiesa della “Maddalena” – Roma – e in visita al Museo camilliano della Casa Generalizia, ci ha inviato le foto di una preziosa reliquia di San Camillo (ex praecordis), di
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